This podcast episode delves into the fascinating evolution of the relationship between Britons and their pets, exploring how pets have gone from being mere possessions to beloved family members. Starting with the Victorian era's affection for dogs as symbols of loyalty and steadfastness, all the way to modern times where pets are increasingly seen as integral parts of a family, this episode sheds light on the enduring bond between humans and animals.
• The rise of social media has extended the concept of personal branding to pets, with 17% of British pets owning their own social media profiles.
• The term "pet" has undergone a semantic transformation from describing mere animal ownership to signifying an emotional connection between humans and animals, further exemplified by the practice of keeping pets indoors as members of the family.
• British love for their pets is reflected in the terminology they use, including terms like "cat person" and "dog person," which encapsulate preferences for furry companions, as well as phrases like "standard of living" and "disposable income," which highlight the economic factors that influence pet ownership.