This monologue podcast is a lecture by David Der-wei Wang on modern Chinese literary thought, specifically focusing on the concept of the lyrical within an epic time. The lecture begins by contrasting "literary theory" (generalized, ahistorical discourse) with "literary thought" (historically contingent, genre-hybrid). Professor Wang then uses the example of Shen Congwen, a renowned Chinese writer, to illustrate how lyrical expression could be maintained even during the tumultuous political climate of mid-20th century China, despite facing censorship and personal hardship. He highlights Shen Congwen's writings as a form of "history with feeling," contrasting it with the dominant "history of actions," and explores the writer's evolving understanding of literature's role in a changing world. The lecture concludes by situating Shen Congwen's work within a broader global context of discussions on the lyrical during the Cold War era.