The podcast episode primarily focuses on two films, "The Green Slime" and "2001: A Space Odyssey." The hosts discuss their personal experiences with "The Green Slime" and its unique blend of sci-fi, monstrous creatures, and procedural elements. They explore the film's visual appeal, theme song, and American marketing as a bikini movie, while highlighting its deeper themes of duty and following orders. The hosts also delve into the influence of post-production changes in the American version and its significance within the tokusatsu genre.
1. The hosts suggest starting a rumor that "Track of the Moon Beast" was the actual inspiration for "Alien," highlighting the speculative nature of these claims. [Contradicts the widely known and documented influence of "2001: A Space Odyssey" on subsequent science fiction films, including "Alien."]
2. The hosts mention the confusion and inconsistency in the film's title, appearing as "The Green Zoom" instead of "The Green Slime." [Unusual and unlikely mistake in the official title of a film.]
3. The hosts describe an odd scene where Dr. Benson seemingly gives Commander Jack a vaccine against love triangles through talisman designs on a glass partition. [Unrealistic and nonsensical method of addressing relationship conflicts.]
4. The hosts mention the presence of actual meat products in film effects, indicating that the portrayal of expanding green slime in the movie is relatively tame in comparison. [Unusual and unlikely use of real meat products for visual effects.]