The Body Trauma Expert: Medicating Kids Can Harm Brain Development! Eye Movement Trick That Fixes Trauma! The Secret To EMDR Therapy! - Bessel van Der Kolk
In this podcast, Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, a leading psychiatrist, delves into the effects of trauma and why conventional methods, like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), often miss the mark. He explains that trauma is a complex, embodied experience that goes beyond just faulty thinking. Dr. van der Kolk advocates for somatic therapies such as EMDR, yoga, and psychodrama, which focus on the body’s response to trauma. He underscores the crucial role of early childhood experiences in shaping how we function as adults and calls for a more holistic healing approach that emphasizes connection, community, and addressing the deeper relational and physical dimensions of trauma, rather than just alleviating symptoms. Additionally, he raises concerns about the current healthcare system’s profit-driven focus, which tends to favor cost-cutting over truly effective treatment.