This episode explores how the Founding Fathers of the United States might perceive contemporary America across various domains. Against the backdrop of the original constitutional framework, the podcast analyzes the expansion of federal power, the evolving relationship between the executive and legislative branches, and the increased role of the judiciary in settling political debates. More significantly, it delves into the implications of modern surveillance technologies and the tension between national security and individual liberties, considering the Founders' emphasis on protecting citizens' persons, houses, papers, and effects. The discussion then pivots to the rise of political parties and their influence on governance, contrasting the Founders' ideal of reasoned debate with the realities of modern partisanship. Furthermore, the podcast examines the impact of concentrated corporate power on the economy and politics, questioning whether the Founders' vision of a balanced economic landscape has been maintained. Finally, the episode concludes by considering the Founders' likely perspectives on education, religion, foreign policy, and the role of technology in shaping democratic discourse, ultimately suggesting a need for a renewed commitment to civic virtue and the principles of self-governance.