This episode of the podcast "Empire" delves into the history of Smyrna, now known as Izmir, a vibrant cosmopolitan city at the start of the 20th century, home to a mix of Greeks, Turks, Armenians, and Levantines. The discussion follows the city's journey through World War I, detailing how Venizelos's advocacy at the Paris Peace Conference contributed to the Greek occupation and the resulting clash with Atatürk's nationalist movement. It examines the intricate relationships among these groups, the influence of Rahmi Bey, the city's governor, and the tragic aftermath of the Greek landing in 1919, which sparked violence and led to the Greek army's defeat. A central theme is Venizelos's political strategy at the Paris Peace Conference and the unexpected fallout from those choices. The episode offers a compelling historical narrative, highlighting the human cost of political decisions and the complexities of ethnic conflict.