In this captivating third episode of a four-part series, the podcast explores the dramatic history of the Koh-i-Noor diamond following the death of Ranjit Singh. It delves into the fierce power struggles and the tragic deaths of key figures in the Sikh Empire. The story reveals the diamond's secret hiding place, the mysterious demise of Maharaja Karak Singh and his son, and the rise and fall of Sher Singh. A pivotal character in this tale is Beli Ram, a minor court official who took it upon himself to safeguard the diamond. The narrative also traces the diamond's journey to the British East India Company and its eventual presentation to Queen Victoria. Through this episode, listeners gain a deeper understanding of the intricate political landscape of 19th-century Punjab and the strategic actions of the British. The episode concludes by hinting at the British annexation of Punjab and the fate that awaits the Koh-i-Noor.